
Cards (45)

  • Consumer buying behaviour
    the buying behaviour of final consumers - individuals and households that goods and services for personal consumption
  • Consumer market
    all the individuals and households that buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption
  • Similarities
    structure of consumer behaviour and purchase decision making
  • Differences
    characteristics affecting consumer behaviour (cultural, social, personal and
    psychological factors)
  • Perception
    the process by which people select, organize and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world
  • Beliefs and attitudes
    Belief = a descriptive thought that a person holds about something
    Attitude = a person's consistent evaluations, feeling, and tendencies towards an object or idea
  • Types of Buying Decision Behaviour
    Complex buying behavior(expensive/risky ex:car)
    Dissonance buying behavior(ex:carpet)
    Habitual buying behavior
    Variety-seeking buying behavior
  • The Buyer Decision Process
    1. Need recognition
    2. Information search
    3. Evaluation of alternatives
    4. Purchase decision
    5. Post-purchase behavior
  • Stages in the Adoption Process
    1. Awareness
    2. Interest
    3. Evaluation
    4. Trial
    5. Adoption
  • 5 adopter groups with different values
    Early adopters
    Early mainstream
    Late mainstream lagging adopters
    Lagging adopters
  • Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of Adoption (5)
    Relative advantage
  • Business buying behaviour
    The buying behaviour of organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of their own other products and services that are sold, rented or supplied to others
  • Business buying process
    the decision process by which business buyers determine which products and services they need to purchase and then find, evaluate, and choose among alternatives
  • Derived demand
    Business demand ultimately comes from the demand for consumer goods
  • Business Markets
    -market structure and demand
    -nature of the buying unit
  • Business buyer behaviour
    1) Major types of buying situation : 3 types Straight , modified rebuy and New task
    2) Participants in the buying process : 5 roles : Users, Influencers, Deciders, Buyers, Gatekeepers
    3) Major influences on business buyers : 5 groups : Environmental, Organizational, Interpersonal, Individual, Buyers
  • The business buyer decision process
    1. problem recognition
    2. general need description
    3. product specification
    4. supplier search
    5. proposal solicitation
    6. supplier selection
    7. order-routine specification
    8. performance review
  • E-Procurement
    Purchasing through electronic connections between buyers and sellers (online) Several ways for company to do e-procurement
  • Institutional Markets
    schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and other institutions that provide goods and services to people in their care
  • Government markets
    = governmental units (federal, state and local) that purchase or rent good and services for carrying out main functions of government
  • Product
    = anything that can be offered in a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want
  • Service
    Product consisting of activities, benefits, or satisfaction and that is essentially intangible and does not result in ownership of anything
  • What is a product
    Products, services and experiences
    Levels and product and services
    Product and service classification
  • Consumer products
    = a product bought by final consumers for personal consumption Classified further on how consumers go about buying them
  • 4 types of consumer products
  • Industrial products
    purchased by individuals and organizations for further processing or for use in conducting a business
  • 3 groups of industrial products
    materials and parts
    capital items
    supplies and services
  • Product Line
    a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges
  • Product Line Length
    = number of items in the product line
  • 2 ways to expand product line:
    1. Line filling = adding more items within present range of line
    2. Line stretching = lengthen product line beyond the current product range
  • Product mix decisions
    width : Number of different lines
    length : Total amount of products/brands in a line
    depth : Number of versions of each product in a line
    consistency : between product line
  • Services Marketing
    Nature of services : Intangibility, Inseparability, Perishability and variability
    Extra interactive consumption - collaborative revolution
    Marketing strategy for service firms
    Service profit chain
  • Service marketing requires
    internal marketing, interactive marketing and external marketing
  • Branding strategy ; building strong bands
    Brand equity and value
    Building strong brand
    Managing brands
  • Brand equity
    = the differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product or its marketing
  • 2 measures of brand equity
    Financial perspective
    Customer perspective
  • Manufacturer has 4 sponsorship options

    Manufacturer's/national brand
    Store/private brand
  • Brand Positioning
    attributes, benefits, beliefs and values
  • Brand Development

    line extensions, brand extensions, multibrands, new brands
  • Line extension
    extend existing line under existing brand name