A perspective that considers the police to be a politicallyneutralforce that acts primarily to enforce the law and protect the public.
Radical Perspective
A perspective that views the police as an instrument that is used by the governments and powerfulinterests to suppress dissent, stifle, protest, and help maintain the statusquo.
Political Policing
Secretive police investigate activities and surveillance of persons and groups deemed to be a threat to the stability and statusquo of the state.
What is an important component to liberal democracy? What does this component do?
An important component to liberal democracy is the separation between the police and government. This ensures that the police are notused in a politicalway to harass and punishpoliticalopponents and dissidents.
What is another important component to liberal democracy that is not the separation between police and government? What does this component do?
Another important component to liberal democracy is the separation of roles and powers between the courts and the police. It is the police's role to bring suspected offenders beforethecourts and it is the courts' role to decide on guilt or innocence and to decide on punishment in the case of conviction.
Four key values the Law Commission of Canada has identified as being essential to policing
What are police expected to be according to the Law Commission of Canada? What do these expectations do?
Police are expected to be, according to the Law Commission of Canada, are: apolitical, fair, and impartial. What these expectations do is reconcile the tension between the power and authority of the police and their legalmandate to maintainorder.
What is the key issue in the discussion of police work?
The key issue in the discussion of police work is how to be governed. The police require a degree of operationalautonomy to effectively and efficiently carry out their mandatedtasks. This means the police need to be free from government interference and influence. However, it is important that the police do not become a politicalinstrument.
What are the three structures of police governance? Define them.
The three structures of police governance are:
Police Acts: The legislativeframework for police service.
Police Standards: Provisions that set out how police services are to be maintained and delivered.
Police Boards and Police Commissions: Bodies that provide police oversight.