The Structure of Contemporary Canadian Policing

Cards (3)

  • Where are the four levels that public policing in Canada is carried out?
    The four levels that public policing in Canada are:
    1. Federal
    2. Provincial
    3. Municipal
    4. Indigenous
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act
    Federal legislation that provides the frame work for the operation of the RCMP.
    • Organised into 15 divisions and each division is headed by a commanding officer.
    • Provides the framework for the force's operations.
    • Enforces most of the federal statutes and provisions of various legislative acts.
  • 60% of the RCMP is involved in what? Define what they are involved with. What does this mean?
    60% of the RCMP is involved:
    • Contract Policing: An arrangement whereby the RCMP and provincial police forces provide provincial and municipal policing services.
    Being involved with contract policing means they have a range of policing activities: federal, contract, and international peacekeeping.