A person ends up committing an offence that they would have notcommittedotherwise, largely as a result of pressure or cunningpart of the police.
What are the pros to entrapment?
Those proactive techniques, entrapment, can be effective and cost-efficient use of personnel. They can also help prevent crime in "victimless" offences of the sort that are unlikely to generatecitizencomplaints.
What is the issue with entrapment? Why is it controversial?
The issue with entrapment is the fact between catching those habituallyinvolved in lawbreaking and createssituationalcriminal.
What did the SCC say regarding entrapment?
The SCC said, regarding entrapment:
"Entrapment is completely separate from the issue of guilt or innocence. It is concerned with the conduct of the police and is dealt with at separateproceeding from the trial on the merits."
Mr. Big Technique
An investigative strategy design to secureconfessions from crimesuspects through the creation of an elaboratescenario.