Strategic and Human Resource Management (PREFINAL & FINAL)

Cards (96)

  • These are the link between HR sn Organizational Performance:
    1. Commitment Strategy
    2. Control Strategy
    3. High-Performance Work Systems
  • Commitment Strategy - It is a strategy, as described by Walton, that promotes mutuality between employers and employees.
  • Control Strategy - It is a strategy, as described by Walton, one in which the aim is to establish order, exercise control and achieve efficiency in the application of workforce but where employees do not have a voice except through their unions.
  • High-Performance Work Systems - It is a strategy which aims to impact on performance through people by the use of such practices as rigorous recruitment and selection procedures, extensive and relevant training and management development activities, incentive pay systems and performance management processes.
  • Walton - He/she determined the 3 links between HR and Organizational Performance.
  • These factors are included in the high-performance work systems:
    1. Rigorous recruitment
    2. Selection procedures
    3. Extensive and relevant training
    4. Management development activities
    5. Incentive pay systems
    6. Performance management processes
  • These are the roles in Strategic HRM:
    1. Strategic Role of Top Management
    2. Strategic Role of Frontline Management
    3. Strategic Role of HR Director
    4. Strategic Role of HR Specialists
  • Top Management - It is there to provide visionary leadership, define purposes and values, and set the directionn.
  • Top Management - It develops the overall business strategies and ensures that functional strategies for marketing , product/service development, customer service, operations, IT and HR are prepared and implemented in ways that provide sustained support to the achievement of business goals.
  • These obligations are included in the responsibilities of the top management:
    1. Visionary Leadership
    2. Definition of purposes, values, and set the direction
    3. Development of overall business strategies
    4. Ensurance of functional strategies for marketing
    5. Product service development
    6. Customer service
    7. Operations
  • Line Managers - The HR Departments develop policies, however, the implementation of it lies with these individuals.
  • Line Managers - They bring policies to life.
  • True - If line managers are not supportive of HRS initiatives, the implementation will be poor.
  • True - High organizational performance depends on effective implementation of HR Policies which is performed by the line managers who play crucial role in the management of people
  • Line Managers - The ability of these individuals to execute HR Tasks, such as performance reviews and coaching , varies, and a lack of training can lead to failures in initiatives like performance-related pay schemes.
  • Floyd and Woolridge - These individuals argue that line managers should be involved in both strategic thinking and execution.
  • Line Managers can perform these activities:
    1. Identify new opportunities
    2. Synthesize important information
    3. Drive change
  • Line Managers need these in order to be effective in the organization:
    1. Authority
    2. Freedom to experiment
    3. Involvement in strategic decision-making
  • Currie and Procter - These individuals suggest that HR Strategies should be broad themes that line managers can adapt to local contexts.
  • True - In order to enhance their role as strategic partners, line managers should be included in the strategic planning receive appropriate training and development.
  • True - Effective HR Strategy implementation is a collaborative process involving negotiation with the line managers and other stake holders.
  • HR Director - They are to envision how strategies can be integrated with business strategy to prepare strategic organization development and change management and in the achievement of coherence in the different aspects of HR Policy.
  • Ulrich - He/she stated that in order to be fully fledged strategic partners with senior management, HR Executives should impel and guide serious discussion of how the company should be organized to carry out its strategy.
  • True - HR must take stock of its own work and set clear priorities.
  • These are the possible initiatives in the sight of HR Staffs:
    1. Pay for performance
    2. Global teamwork
    3. Action learning development experiences
  • True - To be truly tied to business outcomes, HR needs to join forces with operating managers to systematically assess the impact and importance of each one of the HR Initiatives.
  • These are the Specific Strategic Roles in HR:
    1. Business Partner
    2. Innovator Strategies
    3. Change Agent
    4. Implementer
  • Business Partner - These HR Professionals work alongside business colleagues to align HR and Business Strategy and manage Human Resources strategically.
  • Innovator Strategies - These HR Professionals work in the development of the integrated HR Management in an organization.
  • Change Agent - These HR Professionals are focused on the transformation and changes that would occur in an organization.
  • Implementer - These HR Professionals are focused on the implementation of the strategies.
  • Tyson - He/she stated that the HR Practioners as business partners have the capacity to identify business opportunities, see broad picture, and see how their HR Role can help achieve the business objectives of the company.
  • True - As busines partners, HR Practioners are aware of business strategies and the opportunity and threats facing the organization.
  • True - HR Practitioners as business partners should be able to analyze strengths, weaknessess, opportunities, and threats in an organization. They should also be capable of performing PESTLE analysis and its human resource implications.
  • SWOT stands for:
    1. Strength
    2. Weaknesses
    3. Opportunities
    4. Threats
  • PESTLE stands for:
    1. Political
    2. Economical
    3. Social
    4. Technological
    5. Legal
    6. Environmental
  • Benchmarking - It can be used to identify best practice that is adopted by other organizations.
  • Marchington - He/she stated that the danger of innovation is that HR People may go in for the "Impression Management" aiming to make an impact on senior managers and colleagues through publicizing high-profile innovations.
  • Marchington - He/she stated that "People believe that all can be improve by a wave of the magic wand and the slaying of few evil characters along the way.
  • Johnson and Scholes - These individuals stated in their classic book on strategy that "organizations which successfully manage change are those that have integrated their human resource management policies with their strategies and strategic change process".