test tube reactions

Cards (7)

  • what's the test for alkenes?
    bromine water
    orange -> colourless
  • what's the test for aldehydes?
    tollens reagent
    silver mirror
  • what's another test for aldehydes?
    fehlings solution
    blue -> brick red ppt
  • what's the tests for carboxylic acids?
    sodium carbonate
    effervescence of co2 / bubble into lime water clear -> cloudy
  • what is the test for primary and secondary alcohols and aldehydes?
    potassiumdichromate (K2Cr2o7) and dilute sulfuric acid
    orange to green
  • what is tollen's reagent
    • aqueous ammonia and silver nitrate [Ag(NH3)2]+
    • silver ions are reduced to silver
    • conditions: heat gently
  • what happens to the copper during a positive test of fehlings solution?
    blue copper 2+ ions reduces to copper(1)oxide