'The Furthest Distances I've Travelled' was written by Leontia Flynn
'The Furthest Distances I've Travelled' was published in 2004 - the same year that Facebook was launched, al-Qaeda bombed trains in Madrid, and the biggest earthquake in 40 years struck southeast Asia
'The Furthest Distances I've Travelled' doesn't directly address historical events, instead, it looks at the World through the eyes of a globetrotting young backpacker, filled with potential & adventure
'The Furthest Distances I've Travelled' addresses Backpacking - a style of travel began with the "hippie trail" of the 1960s and '70s, a route between western Europe and South Asia
'The Furthest Distances I've Travelled' addresses Backpacking which gained major popularity as people travel with only what they can carry in a backpack - A low-cost form of travel, it typically involves staying in cheap accommodations like hostels or homestays and using public transport to get between destinations
'The Furthest Distances I've Travelled' explores themes of idyllicWanderlust & Adventure, romanticising the extreme geographical locations of the poem, whilst also juxtaposing the idea by utilising prosaic (dull) & mundane objects; this juxtaposition highlights the disparity between youthful dreams and adult responsibilities