Cards (6)

  • allopatric speciation
    caused by geographical barrier
    diff selection pressures in the diff environments causes diff species and advantageous alleles
    stops gene flow
  • sympatric speciation
    less common
    formation of new species when populations aren't geographically isolated but reproductively isolated
    reduced gene flow
    can occur in plants
  • genetic drift
    change in allele frequency (increase)
    occurs in small populations
    reduced gene pool
    does not discriminate if an allele is advantageous
    increase in harmful alleles (allele freq)
    alleles may become fixed
  • what can cause genetic drift?
    founder effect e.g colonisation
    natural disasters
    genetic bottleneck
  • founder effect - occurs when a small number of individuals from a large parent population start a new population
  • genetic bottleneck: very quick, large reduction decrease in population size