classification is a means of organising the variety of life based on relationships between organisms using differences and similarities in phenotypes and genotypes and is built around species concept
artificial classification - group based on observable characteristics (physical)
binomial nomenclature
name of an organism is made up of:
genus (always given capital letter) which is generic and species which is specific
whole name is in italics (indicates it is latin)
D omain K ingdom P hylum C lass O rder F amily G enus S pecies
as you go down each taxonomic group, they have more shared characteristics
as you go down the group is goes from general to more specific
5 kingdoms
plantae, animalia, fungi, protist, prokaryote
carl woese
3 domains
bacteria, archaea, eukaryota
organisms within archaea domain are sometimes referred to as extremophiles prokaryotes
archael cells have no nucleus, they have unique lipids found in the membranes of their cell, no peptidoglycan in cell walls, ribosomal structure more similar to eukaryotic than prokaryotic
metabolism similar to bacteria
DNA synthesis + protein similar to eukaryotes
has plasmids
carl woese
rRNA analysis
sequenced ribosomal RNA base sequence
2. compare them - similarities & differences
more similar base sequence = more closely related
molecular phylogeny relies on similarities or differences of molecules (DNA RNA or proteins) between groups of organisms to determine how closely related they are
molecular phylogeny is natural classification and investigates evolutionary relationships
carl woese's data would have to be peer reviewed in order to be published to prevent false information to be published
in order to prevent false information to be published