
Cards (9)

  • why were bantustans created?
    to deepen the apartheid regime
    aspirations could only be fulfullied within their own country
  • what did the bantustans suggest about black south africans?
    they were not citizens of south africa and should therefore live in their own homeland where they can thrive in a society with their own traditions
  • what law was the idea of banustans built on?
    bantu self governing act 1953
  • what motivated verwoerd to create the bantustans?
    he would rather have a poor white country than a rich multi-racial country
    the decolonisation of other african countries
  • how did the decolonisation of other african countries lead to the bantustans?
    it gave the illusion of decolonisation in south africa
  • what were bantustans?
    african homelands periviously governed by african chiefs controlled by whites becoming independant
  • what and when was the first bantustan?
    Transkei 1963
  • when did transkei become independent?
  • what was the response to the independence of transkei?
    no government recognised it
    UN condemned it
    poqo caused unrest in it