Cards (41)

  • splenius capitis and splenius cervicis
    O: spinous processes of C7-T6 and nuchal ligament
    I: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae (C1-3: cervicis), superior nuchal line and mastoid process of skull (capitis)
    Inn: dorsal rami of spinal nerves C1-C6
    BS: occipital artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery and superior intercostal arteries
    A: extend cervical column, extends head (capitis only), lateral flexion of cervical column and rotation to the same side of contracting muscles
  • iliocostalis cervicis, thoracis, and lumborum
    O: iliac crest, sacrum and ribs 3-12
    I: transverse proocesses of cervical vertebrae C4-C6 (cervicis), ribs 1-6 (thoracis), ribs 6-12 and transverse processes of upper lumbar vertebrae (lumborum)
    Inn: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
    BS: posterior intercostal arteries, subcostal arteries, lumbar arteries; vertebral, deep cervical and transverse cervical arteries (cervical region)
    A: extension of vertebral column, lateral flexion of column
  • longissimus capitis, cervicis and thoracis
    O: sacrum, iliac crest, spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae and transverse processes of C4-T12
    I: mastoid process (capitis), transverse processes of cervical vertebrae (C2-C5; cervicis), transverse processes of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae with small rib attachments to ribs 2-12 (thoracis)
    Inn: dorsal rami
    BS: posterior intercostal arteries, subcostal a., lumbar a.; occipital, vertebral, deep cervical and transverse cervical arteries
    A: extension of vertebral column, extension and lateral flexion of head (capitis only), lateral flexion of column
  • spinalis cervicis and thoracis
    O: spinous processes of C5-T2
    I: spinous processes of cervical (cervicis) and thoracic vertebrae (thoracis) C2-T8
    Inn: dorsal rami
    BS: posterior intercostal a., subcostal a.; vertebral, deep cervical and transverse cervical a.
    A: extension of cervical and thoracic column, lateral flexion of column
  • semispinalis capitis, cervicis, and thoracis
    O: transverse processes C4-T7 (capitis), T1-T6 (cervicis), T6-T12 (thoracis)
    I: between superior and inferior lines of occipital bone (capitis); C2-5 cervical spinous processes (cervicis); C6-T4 thoracic spinous processes (thoracis)
    Inn: dorsal rami
    BS: posterior intercostal a.
    A: extends thoracic and cervical spine, extends head (capitis); lateral flexion of thoracic and cervical spine and head, rotation to opposite side of contracting m.
  • multifidus
    O: transverse processes of C4-T4, mamillary processes of L1-L5, sacrum and ilium
    I: spinous processes (skips vertebrae 2-4 and runs from sacrum to C1)
    Inn: dorsal rami
    BS: posterior intercostal a., subcostal a., lumbar a.; occipital, vertebral, transverse cervical and deep cervical a.
    A: extend vertebral column and stabilize vertebral column, lateral flexion and rotation of column to side of contracted m.
  • Rotatores breves and longi
    O: T1-12 transverse processes
    I: C7-T11 thoracic region, spinous processes, adjacent attachment (breves) and skip one vertebrae (longi)
    Inn: dorsal rami
    BS: posterior intercostal a., subcostal a., lumbar a.
    A: extension of the thoracic region of vertebral column and stabilization of thoracic column, rotation of thoracic column to the opposite side of m. contraction
  • serratus anterior
    O: external surface of lateral portion of ribs 1-9
    I: medial border of scapula; superior and inferior angle of anterior and posterior surfaces
    Inn: long thoracic n. (C5-7)
    BS: lateral thoracic artery
    A: protracts scapula, lateral rotation (ER) of scapula
  • upper (Descending) trapezius
    O: occipital bone, spinous processes of C1-C7
    I: clavicle
    Inn: CN XI accessory n. (motor); SN C3-C4 (sensory)
    BS: occipital artery
    A: rotates glenoid cavity (lateral rotation), head tilt and rotation, elevates scapula
  • middle (transverse) trapezius
    O: aponeurosis of T1-4 spinous processes
    I: acromion
    Inn: CN XI accessory n. (motor); SN C3-C4 (sensory)
    BS: transverse cervical artery, superficial cervical artery
    A: retracts scapula
  • lower (ascending) trapezius
    O: spinous processes of T5-12
    I: scapular spine
    Inn: CN XI accessory n. (motor); SN C3-C4 (sensory)
    BS: dorsal scapular artery
    A: depresses scapula and works with upper part for lateral rotation of scapula
  • levator scapulae
    O: transverse processes of C1-C4
    I: superior medial border of scapula
    Inn: dorsal scapular n. and cervical n. C3-4
    BS: transverse cervical and ascending cervical arteries
    A: elevates scapular; medial rotation of scapula
  • rhomboids
    O: spinous processes of T1-4 (major); spinous processes of C6-7 (minor)
    I: medial border of scapula (major=below spine, minor=above spine)
    Inn: dorsal scapular n.
    BS: dorsal scapular artery and transverse cervical artery; posterior intercostal arteries
    A: retraction of scapula, medial rotation of scapula
  • subclavius
    O: junction of 1st rib and costal cartilage
    I: middle of clavicle
    Inn: n. to subclavius
    BS: thoracoacromial artery (clavicular branch), suprascapular artery
    A: anchor and depress clavicle
  • pectoralis minor

    O: ribs 3-5, near costal cartilage
    I: medial border and coracoid process of scapula
    Inn: lateral and medial pectoral n.
    BS: thoracoacromial artery (pectoral and deltoid branches); superior thoracic artery and lateral thoracic artery
    A: stabilizes scapula
  • pectoralis major
    O: medial half of clavicle; anterior surface of sternum, superior 6 costal cartilages; anterior surface of rectus sheath
    I: lateral lip of the intertubercular groove
    Inn: lateral and medial pectoral n.
    BS: thoracoacromial artery (pectoral branch); perforating branches of internal thoracic artery
    A: adduction and IR of arm; flexion of humerus to 90 degrees
  • deltoid
    O: lateral 1/3 of clavicle (anterior head); acromion (middle head); scapular spine (posterior head)
    I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
    Inn: axillary n. (C5-C6)
    BS: thoracoacromial a., posterior humeral circumflex a., and branches of deep brachial a.
    A: internal rotation and flexion of arm (anterior head); abduction of arm (middle head); external rotation and extension of arm (posterior head)
  • latissimus dorsi
    O: spinous processes of T7-T12; thoracolumbar fascia, inferior angle of scapula, iliac crest, ribs 9-12
    I: floor of intertubercular groove of humerus
    Inn: thoracodorsal n. (C6-8)
    BS: thoracodorsal a., perforating a. of intercostals 9-11, 1st-3rd lumbar a.
    A: extends, adducts, and internally rotates arm
  • supraspinatus
    O: supraspinatus fossa of scapula
    I: superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
    Inn: suprascapular n. (C4-C6)
    BS: suprascapular a.
    A: initiates abduction of arm (0-15 degrees)
  • infraspinatus
    O: infraspinatus fossa of scapula
    I: middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus
    Inn: suprascapular n. (C4-C6)
    BS: suprascapular a., posterior humeral circumflex a.
    A: external rotation of the arm
  • teres minor
    O: lateral border of scapula
    I: inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
    Inn: axillary n. (C5-6)
    BS: circumflex scapular a.
    A: external rotation of arm
  • subscapularis
    O: subscapular fossa
    I: lesser tubercle of humerus
    Inn: upper and lower subscapular n. (C5-6)
    BS: lateral thoracic a., subscapular a.
    A: internal rotation of the arm
  • extensor pollicis longus
    O: posterior ulna and interosseous membrane
    I: distal phalanx of digit 1
    Inn: deep branch of radial nerve/ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: posterior interosseous a.
    A: extension of digit 1, IP joint
  • extensor pollicis brevis
    O: posterior radius, interosseous membrane and posterior ulna
    I: proximal phalanx of digit 1
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: posterior interosseous a.
    A: extension of digit 1, MCP joint
  • abductor pollicis longus
    O: posterior radius, interosseous membrane and posterior ulna
    I: base of 1st metacarpal
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: posterior interosseous a.
    A: abduction of digit 1
  • brachioradialis
    O: supracondylar ridge of humerus
    I: the styloid process of radius
    Inn: radial n.
    BS: radial recurrent a.
    A: forearm flexor
  • extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL)
    O: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
    I: base of 2nd metacarpal
    Inn: radial n.
    BS: radial a.
    A: wrist extension ; radial deviation
  • extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB)
    O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
    I: base of 3rd metacarpal (dorsal surface)
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: radial a.
    A: wrist extension; radial deviation
  • extensor digitorum
    O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
    I: extension expansion of digits 2-5
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: interosseous recurrent a. and posterior interosseous a.
    A: extension of wrist; extension of digits 2-5 @ MCP, PIP, and DIP joints
  • extensor carpi ulnaris
    O: lateral epicondyle of the humerus and posterior ulna
    I: base of 5th metacarpal
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: ulnar a.
    A: wrist extension; ulnar deviation
  • extensor digiti minimi
    O: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
    I: extension expansion of digit 5
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: interosseous recurrent a.
    A: extension of digit 5 at the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints
  • extensor indicis
    O: distal ulna and interosseous membrane
    I: extensor expansion of digit 2
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: posterior interosseous a.
    A: extension of digit 2 at the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints
  • supinator
    O: lateral epicondyle of humerus, olecranon, radial collateral and annular ligaments
    I: lateral radius
    Inn: deep branch of radial n./ posterior interosseous n.
    BS: recurrent interosseous a.
    A: supinates forearm
  • pronator teres
    O: humeral head- common flexor tendon
    ulnar head- coronoid process
    I: lateral radius
    Inn: median n.
    BS: ulnar a.; anterior ulnar recurrent a.
    A: pronation; weak flexion of forearm
  • flexor carpi radialis
    O: common flexor tendon
    I: base of 2nd metacarpal
    Inn: median n.
    BS: radial a.
    A: flexion of wrist; radial deviation
  • palmaris longus
    O: common flexor tendon
    I: palmar aponeurosis
    Inn: median n.
    BS: ulnar a.
    A: wrist flexion
  • flexor carpi ulnaris
    O: common flexor tendon
    I: pisiform, hook of hamate, base of 5th metacarpal
    Inn: ulnar n.
    BS: ulnar a.
    A: flexion of wrist; ulnar deviation
  • flexor digitorum superficialis
    O: humeroulnar head- common flexor tendon
    radial head- anterior radius
    I: middle phalanx of digits 2-5
    Inn: median n.
    BS: radial and ulnar a.
    A: flexion of wrist, flexion of digits 2-5 @ MCP and PIP joints
  • flexor digitorum profundus
    O: ulna and interosseous membrane
    I: distal phalanx of digits 2-5
    Inn: anterior interosseous n., ulnar n.
    BS: ulnar a. and anterior interosseous a.
    A: flexion of wrist and radial deviation
  • flexor pollicis longus
    O: anterior radius and interosseous membrane
    I: distal phalanx of digit 1
    Inn: anterior interosseous n. (from median n.)
    BS: anterior interosseous a.
    A: flexion of the thumb, CMC, MCP, and IP joints; wrist flexion and radial deviation