black consciousness

Cards (8)

  • what was black consciousness?
    international movement from the US
    concerned with preservation of black identity , history and culture
  • what made black south africans join the black consciousness movement?
    the education system taught nothing about their history and only about their inferiority
  • what was the government response to black consciousness?
    they were tolerant to it as they felt it its goals tied in with the apartheid regime
  • what were the goals of black consciousness?
    non- cooperation with whites even those who wre sympathetic
    encouraging indians and coloured to view themselves as black and equally targeted by whites
  • what group was formed on the basis of black consciousness?
    south afrian students organisation (SASO) in 1968
  • what was the south african students movement?
    student organisation seperate from black consciousness and SASO
  • what anti apartheid movements did SASO and SASM organise?

    SASO -> 1972, strikes on university campuses for inferior facilities
    SASM -> organised disruptions of the ducth reformed church meetings in schools
  • what was the government response to these movements?
    the government saw both organisations working under black consciousness and arrested steve biko in 1973
    banned SASO in 1975
    kept SASM legal