Form 2/ Term 3

Cards (46)

  • In Spanish infinitives (the part of the verb in English which has 'to' in front of it) ends in one of three ways:
  • De acuerdo- agreed
  • la red- the internet
  • los medios de comunicacion- media
  • las redes sociales- social networks
  • Jugar is followed by 'a' and then the article and the name of the sport.
  • jugar + a + el = jugar al
  • Que deporte practican?
    What sport do you practice?
  • romper - to break
  • Roto, rata- broken
  • el baloncesto- basketball (m)
  • el criquet- cricket (m)
  • el futbol - football (m)
  • el netbol- netball (f)
  • el tenis - tenis (m)
  • el voleibol- volleyball (m)
  • la rodilla - knee
  • El hombro - shoulder
  • la espalda- back
  • la boca - mouth
  • los dientes- teeth
  • el cuello - neck
  • la pierna- leg
  • el pie- feet
  • el tobillo- ankle
  • la mano - hand
  • la garganta- throat
  • que tiempo va a hacer?
    what is the weather going to be like
  • que tiempo hace?
    what is the weather like?
  • Preferir - to prefer
  • Prefiero- I prefer
  • preferimos- we prefer to.
  • prefiere - he/ she prefer
  • me encanta (n) - I really like / I love
  • no me gusta - I don't like
  • me aburre - _____ bore/ bores me
  • me duele el pie- to me hurt my feet
  • Que Tiempo Hace?

    What is the weather like?
  • Lo que mas me gusta - that which most I like
  • Tengo un doler de + body part - I have a pain of the____.