
Cards (4)

  • According to the RA 4200 or the anti wiretapping act​
    It shall be unlawful for any person, not being authorized by all the parties to any private communication or spoken word, to tap any wire or cable, or by using any other device or  arrangement,  to  secretly  overhear,  intercept,  or  record such  communication  or  spoken  word  by  using  a  device commonly  known  as  a  dictaphone  or  dictagraph  or dictaphone  or  walkie-talkie  or  tape  recorder,  or  however otherwise described (Section 1)​
  • Wiretapping authorization
    1. Written order of the court
    2. Written application
    3. Examination under oath or affirmation of the applicant and witnesses
    4. Showing reasonable grounds to believe evidence will be obtained essential to conviction, solution, or prevention of crimes
    5. No other means readily available for obtaining such evidence
  • Offenses for which wiretapping may be authorized

    • Rebellion
    • Conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion
    • Inciting to rebellion
    • Sedition
    • Conspiracy to commit sedition
    • Inciting to sedition
  • Order granted or issued
    1. Specify the identity of the person or persons whose communications, conversations, discussions, or spoken words are to be overheard, intercepted, or recorded
    2. Specify the identity of the peace officer authorized to overhear, intercept, or record the communications, conversations, discussions, or spoken words
    3. Specify the offense or offenses committed or sought to be prevented
    4. Specify the period of the authorization, which shall not exceed sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of the order, unless extended or renewed by the court upon being satisfied that such extension or renewal is in the public interest