IM Relational Algebra

Cards (29)

  • Relational Algebra - Formal language for the relational model. And defines the basic set of operations for the relational model for basic retrieval requests
  • Operations specifically developed for relational databases
    SELECT , PROJECT – unary
    JOIN - binary
  • I. Unary Relational Operations
    (applied to a single relation)
    SELECT – used to select a subset of the tuples from a relation that satisfies a selection condition
    PROJECT – selects certain columns from the table and discards the other columns; used if we are interested only in certain attributes of a relation
  • select - selects rows/tuples from the table
    project - selects the columns from the table
  • SELECT format :
    σ<selection condition> (R)
    Selection condition is a boolean expression specified on the
    attributes of relation R
  • SELECT operation is commutative
    σcond1 (σcond2 (R))= σcond2 (σcond1> (R))
    same as
    σ(cond1 AND cond2)(R)
  • sigma for select SS
  • PROJECT – selects certain columns and discards other
    PROJECT format :
    π<attribute list> (R)
  • Pi sign for project PP
  • List each employee’s last name,
    first name, and salary
    π<Lname, Fname, Salary> (EMPLOYEE)
  • Project removes duplicate tuples
  • Write the operations as a single relational algebra expression by nesting the operation
    Ex. Retrieve the first name, last name, and salary of all employees who work in department number 5.
    π Lname, Fname, Salary (σDno=5 (EMPLOYEE))
  • Ex. Retrieve the first name, last name, and salary of all employees who work in department number
    We can apply one operation at a time and create intermediate result relations in which case we need to give names to the relations that hold the intermediate results
    Ex. Dep5Emp ← σDno=5 (EMPLOYEE)
    FinalList ← π Lname, Fname, Salary(Dep5Emp)
  • Display the Certification records for employees who passed
    σremarks = ‘P’ (Certification)
  • Display the empid, exam, datetaken of employees who passed
    Passed <- σremarks = ‘P’ (Certification)
    πempid,exam,datetaken (Passed)
  • Display the empid, exam, datetaken of employees who passed
    πempid,exam,datetaken ( σremarks = ‘P’ (Certification))
  • List the empname, salary of employees earning more than 100 who are from FIN
    πempname,salary( σsalary>100 AND dept=‘FIN’ (Employee))
  • Relational Algebra Operations from Mathematical Set
    Theory – standard mathematical operations on sets and
    applied to 2 sets of tuples
    We can define 3 operations
  • UNION – the result of this operation is a relation that includes
    all tuples that are either in R or in S or in both R and S.
    Duplicate tuples are eliminated
    R U S
    lahat ng nasa relation R and relation S
  • INTERSECTION – the result of this operation is a relation that
    includes all tuples that are in both R and S
    R ∩ S
    yung magkamukha lang sa relation R and S
  • MINUS (SET DIFFERENCE) – the result of this operation is a
    relation that includes all tuples that are in R but not in S
    R - S
    lahat ng nasa R tas ibawas mo lahat ng nasa S
  • Union compatibility - Relations should have same degree (same number of attributes) and each corresponding pair of attributes have same domain (data type, structure)
    The 2 relations, on which UNION, INTERSECTION, MINUS are applied must be union compatible.
    (Cross Product or Cross Join)–
    R X S
    Combines every tuple from one relation with every tuple from another relation; not union compatible
    (Cross Product or Cross Join)
    R(A1, A2, ...An) X S(B1, B2,...Bm)
    The resulting relation will have a degree (column) of n+m attributes (yung n is column nung isa, yung m is yung column nung isa)

    The resulting relation will have one tuple for each combination of tuples, one from R and one from S.
    Hence number of tuples from R (nR) and number of tuples from S (nS) will have nR * nS
  • Binary Relational Operations is applied to two sets of tuples
    JOIN– used to combine related tuples from 2 relations into a single tuple
    R ⋈<join condition> S
  • Binary Relational Operations is applied to two sets of tuples
    The result of JOIN is a relation with n + m attributes
    The result of JOIN has one tuple for each combination of tuples --- one from R and one from S --- whenever the combination satisfies the join condition.
    This is the main difference between CARTESIAN PRODUCT and JOIN.
  • How many tuples will be output by a JOIN?
    depends on how many are matched from the condition
  • How many tuples will be output by a CROSS JOIN?
    rows of the other table * rows of the other table
  • sa join inaaad lahat ng attributes, walang automatic removal of duplicate kyaa pag tinanong ilang attributes, add mo lang ilang columsn sa isa tas columns din nung isa