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Animal Biology
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an array of cells of a specific type or types that interact in a collective task
the four types of tissues:
extracellular fluid
serves as the cell's environment
extracellular fluid
in humans, it consists of mainly of interstitial fluid and plasma
epithelial tissue
covers body surfaces and lines the internal cavities
connect tissue
connects body parts and provides structural support
muscle tissue
moves the body or its parts
nervous tissue
detects stimuli and relays information
epithelial tissue
covers and lines body surfaces and cavities
epithelial tissue
its cells have little matrix between them
basement membrane
attaches epithelium to underlying tissue
tight junctions
form a waterproof barrier between cells
adhering junctions
holds cells together
Gland cells
special epithelial cells
Endocrine glands
are ductless and secrete hormones
exocrine glands
secrete substances such as milk through ducts
connective tissue
consists of cells in an extracellular matrix of their own secretions
connective tissue
they structurally and functionally connect cells
Loose connective tissue
the most common type of connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
underlies the most epithelia
Regular connective tissue
stretchy dense, makes up ligaments and tendons
Irregular connective tissue
dense, forms capsules, as around the kidney
Cartilage and bone tissue
the connective tissue of the skeletal system
Adipose tissue
stores lipids, serves as insulation, and acts as padding
considered as fluid connective tissue and it also consists of cells derived from bone in a fluid plasma
Muscle tissue
it contracts when stimulated
muscle tissue
helps move the body and its component parts
The three types of muscle tissue:
skeletal muscle
cardiac muscle
smooth muscle tissue
skeletal muscle
the muscle tissue that interacts with bone
cardiac muscle
the muscle of the heart that appears striated
marked with long thin parallel streaks
Skeletal muscle
is the muscle under voluntary control
Nervous tissue
coordinates activities within a body
Nervous tissue
it contains neurons that relays information to the brain and the body
relays electric signals along their length and send and receive chemical messages
Neuroglial cells
protects and supports neurons
Organ system
consists of two or more organs that interact chemically, physically, or both in tasks that help function individual cells
lined body cavity
organ systems
it interacts to provide cells with the materials that they need and to rid the body of wastes
integumentary system
includes the skin and structures derived from it, such as hair and nails
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