The sanlme recetion area plays an important role in the pre-analytical lab testing.
LRF - serves as its communication link not only to the requesting physicians but also to the other users of laboratory services.
The flow of work in the lab usually starts in the sample reception area.
Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation - a tool that serves as a guide to medical laboratories worldwide in implementing a quality management system
Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation compliant with the ISO-15189 accreditation requirements.
Are assigned to lab testing as lab aide.
Lab glassware should be dried in a drying-oven-150°C
Cappe using an aluminim.
Alkaline liquids - should not be stored in flasks vecause stoppers may stick.
lab exit - 2
Mngt authorization - signatures
POTW - Publicly-Owned treatment works
Green chem - pollution prevention and source reduction.
Environmental-fate-of-the-waste - incineration,and disposal, and other
Satellite accumulation - serves as a temporary storage for waste in lab.
Don't use galvanized-steel-safety-can for halogenated waste solvents to avlid corrosion and leaks.
Safety - primary consideration
Satellite accumulation should not be kept for more than a year.
55-gal - within 3 days
Health Care Management Program is licensed by BHFS.