External Ethnicity

Cards (8)

  • Cultural deprivation.
    The three aspects of cultural deprivation:
    • Language
    • Attitudes and values
    • Family structure and parental support
  • Language
    • Bereiter and Engelmann - WC Black families language is ungrammatical and disjointed therefore they fail in education.
    • Baker-Bell criticises this - B + E are anti black linguistic racism and they label white speech codes as superior. 
    • Attainment 8 scores show that children's first language being English or not is irrelevant to their scores. 
    • Some minority ethnic groups are socialised into a subculture that instils a fatalistic attitude that does not value educational success.
    • However Platt and Parsons - 7-14 yo ethnic children have higher aspirations than their white counterparts.

    Attitudes ands values
  • Family structure and support
    • The failure to socialise children properly is due to dysfunctional families
    • Moynihan - black families who have a lone mother struggle due to the absence of the breadwinner, boys lack a male role model to inspire academic achievement. 
    • Driver - Black girls are given a strong female role model.
  • Sewell
    • The lack of fathers tough love and discipline = emotional and behavioural differences.
    • These boys look for a role model in gangs who offer a perverse love/loyalty.
    • The gangs force the boys to become "ultra tough and ghetto".
  • Asian families
    • Adult authorities similar to school authority.
    • place a high value on education.
  • Criticisms of cultural deprivation
    • Victim blaming - Keddie sees it as victim blaming, minorities are culturally different not deprived. Schools are ethnocentric.
    • Material deprivation instead
    • A political distraction - Raz claims it deflects the real cause of ethnic dea - poverty and racism. 
  • Material Deprivation
    • = A lack of necessities 
    • Almost half of ethnic minorities are WC
    • Minorities are 3x more likely to be homeless