module 7

Cards (20)

  • Taxonomy
    The science of naming, describing, and classifying organisms including plants, animals, and even microorganisms
  • Systematics
    The study of biological diversity of organisms and their natural evolutionary relationship to other organisms and their environment
  • Taxonomy and systematics are not clearly separable but are frequently used by biologists interchangeably
  • Classification
    The systematic arrangement of organisms in groups or categories according to an established specific criterion
  • Phylogeny
    The study of evolutionary history and relationship of organisms that descend from one or more ancestry
  • Monophyletic Groups

    • Consists of organisms that evolved from one common ancestry
  • Polyphyletic Groups

    • Groups of organisms that has several evolutionary lines without common ancestry
  • Paraphyletic Groups

    • Consists of organisms that includes a common ancestor, but not all its descendants
  • Cladistics
    Classification of an organism based on recency of common ancestry rather than the degree of structural similarity
  • Cladogram
    A diagram that illustrates evolutionary relationship based on the principles of cladistics
  • Steps in making a Cladogram
    1. Select groups
    2. Select homologous character to be analyzed
    3. Organize the character states into their correct evolutionary orders
    • SEEDS
  • Binomial Nomenclature
    A system for giving each organism a two-word scientific name
  • Specific Epithet
    The second part uncapitalized part of the scientific name of an organism that follows the genus and often describes a particularity of an organism
  • Species
    The basic unit of classification
  • Sub-species, Cultivar, Dichotomous Key

    • Sub-species (interbreed) - geographically distinct population that evolved by Natural Selection
    • Cultivar – cultivated varieties of plants. These species are not equivalent to sub-species
    • Dichotomous Key – allows taxonomist to determine the identity of organisms based on keys that consists a series of choices that lead to correct identity
  • All the plant groups except mosses have vascular tissues
  • Seeds are shared characteristics for all plant groups except mosses and ferns
  • Daisy is the only plant that produces flowers
  • Pioneers of Plant Classification
    • Theophrastus – classified plants into herbs, shrubs, and trees
    • Dioscorides – his De Materia Medica described 600 species of medicinal plants and was widely used a medical reference for about 1500 years until the end of the Middle Ages
    • Carolus Linnaeus – wrote Species Plantarum, which contains description of plants that were known in his time. He observed 7300 species of plants and provided each plant with a binomial name