explaining OCD (biological)

Cards (7)

  • What is the genetic explanation for OCD?
    - genes r involved in vulnerability to OCD, family studies show that risk of OCD increases w genetic similarity
  • What are some specific candidates genes involved in OCD?
    COMT, SERT & 5HT1D-beta -> polygenic
  • What is aetiologically heterogenous?
    different combinations of genes may explain different types of OCD, multiple origins
  • What is the neural explanation of OCD?
    - OCD is also associated w low levels of serotonin
    - serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that may explain low mood, anxiety & compulsive behaviour of OCD
    - structural abnormalities in the brain, e.g impaired decision making in frontal lobe, also linked to OCD
  • What is a strength for the genetic explanation?
    - research support
    - Nestadt et al. found concordance rate of 68% for MZ twins & 31% for DZ twins
    - Marini & Stebnicki found someone w a family member w OCD is 4x more likely to develop it as some w/o
    - suggest there must b atleast some genetic component to OCD
  • What is another strength of treatments for OCD?
    - applications to treatment
    - antidepressants increase serotonin levels r effective in reducing symptoms of OCD
    - Soomro et al. reviewed 17 studies comparing SSRIs to placebos & all showed significantly better outcomes for SSRIs
    - biological explanations provide practical applications to treatment
  • What is one limitation?
    - ignores environmental factors
    - Cromer et al. found over half of patients w OCD had also had a traumatic event
    - diathesis-stress model may b more appropriate in explaining OCD