
Cards (6)

  • Functionalist perspective
  • Education transmits the value consensus
  • Rules should be strictly enforced to learn self discipline and benefit society
  • Social cohesion
  • Durkheim believed that the main function of education is to transmit the society's norms and values, and this happens as education provides the link between the individual and society - children will come to see that they are a part of something larger than themselves and will develop a sense of commitment to the social group.
  • Functionalists would argue that this is right because school is a ‘society in miniature’ as it prepares children for a wilder society. However, Marxists and Feminists would disagree with this theory because they think that the norms and values that schools are teaching children are preparing them to keep capitalism and patriarchism going. Durkheim's theory could be seen as outdated as children are now more dependent on their parents. Also ‘shared history’ is different depending on culture and ethnicity and Durkheim doesn’t consider that.