Halsey, Heath & Ridge

Cards (6)

  • Class inequalities
  • Sample of 8000 males found that working class children were much less likely to attend university
  • Home encouragement and parent attitudes
  • Found clear class inequalities in education. They divided their sample into 3 main groups which were based on the fathers occupation:
    1. The service class which is the highest out of the classes
    2. The intermediate class which is the middle out of the classes
    3. The working class which is the lowest out of the classes
    The higher a child’s social class the higher their achievement. 
    The lower a child’s social class the lower their achievement. 
    The higher a child's social class the longer they were going to stay in school and were more likely to get more degrees. 
  • An individual from the service class, compared to one from the working class, had 4 times as great a chance at being at school at 16, 8 times the chance at 17 and 10 times the chance at 18. While the chance of an individual from the service class attending university was 11 times greater. 
  • A large sample size is used and it shows links between class and education. However there are no females included in this research and this research could be seen as possibly outdated as students must stay in school until they are at least 18 now.