
Cards (6)

  • Marxist perspective
  • Mixed methods
  • The 12 lads were part of a counter school culture
  • More interested in having a laugh than going to lessons
  • Argued that education isn’t always the best thing for capitalism. He also argued that looking at it on a macro scale isn’t the best way to understand what happens to individuals. He studied a small group of working class boys who didn’t like their education. They had formed a counter culture which was against the school's values. He found that the counter cultures rejections of the school led them to ending up in unskilled manual work which worked out best for the bourgeoisie. 
  • Even though it is very interactionist, his conclusions clearly linked to the Marxist views on education. He focussed on how education shapes the futures of working class boys instead of it working as a correspondence system. His work clearly demonstrated how the education system's ability to neglect these boys to the point of them ending up in mindless manual work which Marx argued was alienating the proletariat.