De Klerk

Cards (6)

  • what was the state of south africa when deklerk rose to presidency in 1989?
    on the brink of a civil war
    economic decline
    national party was loosing support
    support from US and UK declined as threat of communism was gone
  • what was de klerks new course?
    statement that the government would work towards an equal south africa with rights for all
  • how would de klerk work towards his new course?
    he had to negotiate with opposition groups so had to unban those organisations
  • when was mandela relased from prison?
    11 february 1990
  • what was the significance of mandela's release?
    he was a symbol of the oppression caused by apartheid
  • what was the relationship between mandela and de klerk?

    they were close and had been meeting in secret and agreed to work towards peace