The Church

Cards (18)

  • What happens in Mass
    1. Introductory Rite - Entrance, Greeting, Penitential Rite, Kyrie Gloria
    2. Liturgy of the Word - Readings from scripture, Homily
    3. Liturgy of the Eucharist - Preparation of gifts, Eucharistic prayer, communion rite
    4. Concluding Rite - Final blessings, Dismissal
  • The image portrays the Last Supper as a communal meal and shows the close bond among Jesus and his disciples before his crucifixion
  • Eucharisteo
    Greek term meaning to give thanks
  • Missa
    Latin phrase meaning dismissal
  • Holy Communion
    Reception of the consecrated bread and wine believed by Christians to be the body and blood of Jesus
  • Prayer
    How people, such as Christians, communicate with God
  • Stewardship
    The act of taking care and looking after the Earth and its resources responsibly for God
  • Elizabeth Prout used Jesus as a model of holiness as she established schools, helped those in need and poverty and helped gain resources to support others
  • Genesis 1 teaches Christians that God created the world and gave humans the responsibility to look after and care for it
  • Genesis 2 teaches Christians that humans are created in the image of God, reflecting his Nature
  • Genesis 3 teaches us that sin was created because of Adam and Eve's disobedience
  • Beliefs about the Eucharist: Catholic

    Sacrifical nature of the Eucharist.
    The real presence: Christ is truly present in the Eucharist.
  • Beliefs about the Eucharist: Anglican

    Symbolic view: they believe the bread and wine symbolise Christ's body and blood.
    Spiritual Presence: they believe Christ is present in the bread and wine but not physically.
  • First reading
    A lector reads a passage from Old Testament
  • Second reading
    A lector reads passage from New Testament
  • Profession of Faith
    Catholics proclaim their faith through the Creed
  • Homily
    Priest explains what was just proclaimed during Gospel Reading
  • Prayers of the Faithful
    Catholics pray for their needs and the needs of others