Cards (7)

  • when was CODESA 1?
  • what was CODESA?
    convention for a democratic south africa
    negotiations event working towards a democratic south africa
  • what was decided during CODESA 1?
    declaration of intent - commiting the government to the creation of a non racial, democratic south africa
  • when was CODESA 2?
  • what decisions were made during CODESA 2?
    that a democratic election would be held in 1994
  • what conflicts were there during CODESA 2?
    de klerk was accused of wanted to hold onto power
    mandela was asked to revoke his armed struggle but refused to
  • what were the results of the 1994 elections?

    ANC -> 62.5%
    National Party -> 20.5%
    Inthaka -> 10.5%
    PAC -> 1.2%