exam qs (biodiversity)

Cards (8)

  • the scottish wildcat can interbreed successfully with domestic cats
    explain how the effect this could have on the genetic diversity of the Scottish wildcat
    increases size of gene pool
    because of introduction of new alleles
  • presence of a cell wall in eukaryota? yes, no or some
  • allele - alternative form of a gene
  • use the hardy-weinberg equation to show that more than 50% of the forest elephant population are homozygous for the GBA gene
    freq of allele in forest elephant = 0.43 and 0.57
    p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1
    p^2 and q^2 = 0.43^2 and 0.57^2 = 0.185 and 0.325 respectively
    0.185 + 0.325 = 0.51
    freq = 51% (greater than 50%)
  • SGSV is a seed bank
    seeds from 3 varieties of maize were tested to see the effects of long periods of storage
    explain how SGSV could make use of these results
    seeds that have been kept for long periods will not be useful
    diff types of seed lose viability at diff rates
    therefore regular testing is needed (to ensure seeds are still viable)
  • explain how breeding programmes in zoos maintain the genetic diversity of captive populations
    they exchange animals between zoos
    they use a stud book to keep a record of all breeding events
    animals are selected to prevent breeding between closely related individuals
  • state suitable conditions for keeping seeds in a seed bank
    cold dry area
  • many different types of anti freeze protein are produced by ray-fin fishes
    analyse the data to explain when these ray-fin fish are likely to have evolved the ability to produce anti-freeze proteins
    anti-freeze proteins are advantageous only when there is sea ice
    so anti-freeze proteins are likely to have increased in freq during an ice age
    the only ice ages since the existence of the ray-fin fish are the quaternary and karoo
    therefore ray-fin fish producing anti freeze proteins are likely to have evolved in the last 2.6 million years