Cards (6)

  • The equatorial climate belt supports the rainforest biome which supports half of all living organism on Earth. The zonal soil of this region- tropical red latosol is inherently fertile hence the inadvisability of forest clearance for agricultural use.
  • The hot, wet and humid climate and promotes the perfect growing conditions for the world's most luxurious vegetation and unparalleled biodiversity in a region that is without seasons.
  • Since it's a deciduous the rainforest trees shed their leaves any time they want leading to a constant supply of litter which decomposes with other biota into humus - supplying nutrients to support sustainable new growth very quickly.
  • Rapid nutrient cycle means if the tropical rainforest is cleared, the supply of humus is halted and TRL becomes exhausted of nutrients - exposed to excessive leaching of nutrients and to erosion by gulling during heavy, daily convectional rainstorms.
  • Reasons for deforestation:
    • land for settlement and associated infrastructure.
    • land fro ranching, cash-cropping and plantations.
    • hardwood timbers.
    • access for mineral exploitation.
  • Diagram of TRL.