SSRIs- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (an antidepressant). Works by preventing the re-absorption and break down of serotonin across the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons, to increase levels. (Typical daily does of fluoxetine is 20mg) Takes 3-4 months to have much impact.
Combing SSRIs with other treatments- drugs are often used alongside CBT to treat OCD. Drugs remove emotional symptoms (anxious or depressed) so patient can engage effectively with CBT.
Drug therapy 2
Alternatives to SSRIs- If not effective after 3-4 months, dose can be increased (up to 60mg of fluoxetine), combined with other drugs or replaced.
Tricyclics- (Clomipramine) same effect but with more serious side effects
SNRIs- serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors. Also increase levels of noradrenaline.
Drug therapy- evaluation
Drug therapy is effective at tackling OCD symptoms- Soomro et al. (2009) reviewed 17 studies and found in all that SSRIs were more effective than placebos. Combined w/ CBT= effective. SSRIs decline symptoms significantly for 70%.
Drugs are cost-effective and non-disruptive- cheaper than psychological treatments, therefore, good value for public health systems like NHS.Non-disruptive to patients lives: take drugs till symptoms decline, not engage w/ hard work of therapy.
Drug therapy- evaluation 2
Drugs can have side-effects- significant minority will get no benefit. Side effects include indigestion, blurred vision and loss of sex drive (usually temporary). Clomipramine= more common and more serious side-effects. More than one in ten suffer erection problems, tremors and weight gain.