experiment 6

Cards (10)

  • Thousands of enzyme are found in living cells where they act as catalysts for the thousands of chemical reactions which occur.
  • Enzymes:
    1.) Catalase
    2.) Rennin
    3.) Bromelain
  • Catalase is an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) naturally forms in living organisms, but is very harmful and is broken down immediately by catalase. Persons with acatalasemia (hereditary) have extremely low catalase activity.
  • Catalase - 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
    Rennin - 4mL Rennin solution
    Bromelain - Gelatin Solution
  • Renin (chymosin) is an enzyme obtained from the fourth stomach of a calf or other young bovines.
  • Rennin causes rapid clotting of milk by causing certain bonds to break in the soluble casein molecule converting it to insoluble casein which results to “curdled” milk.
  • Human infants also produce rennin, which helps in curdling of the milk resulting in slow digestion and complete absorption of nutrient.
  • Bromelain is a protease enzyme derived from pineapples. It’s mostly abundant in pineapple stem but can also be found in its fruit and core.
  • Protease enzyme means it can hydrolyze proteins. Which is why some people have sensitivity in their tongues when eating pineapple because it can compromise the oral mucous layer. In culinary, this is used as a meat tenderizer.