What are the three things agencies, organisations, and personnel that are involved in?
The three things agencies, organisations, and personnel are involved in:
Responses to crime and to persons charged with criminaloffences.
Managing people convicted of crimes.
What are the two factors suggesting that the criminal justice system is not truly a system?
The two factors that suggest that criminal justice system is not a truly a system are:
The agencies have differentmandates.
The agencies often exemplifyinoperability.
Criminal justice system personnel may be subject to what?
Criminal justice system personnel may be subjected to criminal and/or civilprosecution as well as internal and externaloversight.
What is required for the criminal justice system to work effectively?
What is criminal justice system legitimacy?
Criminal justice system legitimacy is the belief that authorities, institutions, and socialarrangements are appropriate, proper, and just.
What happens what people lose trust in the criminal justice system to protect them?
What's the behaviour towards police amongst citizens when they view the police as legitimate?
More likely to comply and cooperate with police and obey the law.
How do citizens feel when they view the police as legitimate?
When citizens feel that the police are legitimate they are more likely to report higherlevel of satisfaction and confidence in the police (individual officers and the institutions).
How do citizens feel about police efforts when they perceive them as legitimate?
When citizens feel that police are legitimate, they are more likely to perceive the police as effective in their crimecontrolefforts.
How do citizens respond to police efforts when they view them as legitimate?
When citizens view the police as legitimate, they are morelikely and willing to assistpolice and accept the outcomes of an interaction with police.
What is the flow of cases through the criminal justice system?
The flow of cases through the criminal justice system is: (1) incident, (2) police, (3) courts, and (4) corrections and parole.
What are the most common forms of police misconduct?
Abuse of authority, neglect of duty, improper use of force, discreditable conduct, and discourtesy.
What harms the perception of legitimacy among the public toward the police?
Adversarial System
A system of justice that is based on two opposing sides – the prosecution and the defence – arguing the guilty or innocence of a person before a judge or jury.
What is an inquisitorial system?
Some countries use this system. It is a legal system in which the court, or part of the court, is activelyinvolved in investigating the facts of the case.
What are the four basic principles of an adversarial system?
The four basic principles of an adversarial system are:
Presumption of innocence.
Burden of proof.
What are four sanctions applied by police – also known as a discretion – when dealing with a young offender?
The four sanctions applied by police – also known as a discretion – when dealing with a young offender are:
Take nofurtheraction.
Give an informalwarning.
Involve the parents.
Give a formalwarning.
What is a key factor in understanding how cases flow through the system?
What can lead after discretion?
Discretion can lead to inconsistencies in the administration of justice: (1) how laws are applied, (2) cases proceed through the courts, and (3) decisions made about offenders by police officers, judges, and correctional authorities.
What are the four characteristics of a task environment?
The four characteristics of a task environment are:
The type of crime and socialdisorderconfronting the criminaljusticesystempersonnel.
The decisionmaking options available.
The effectiveness of justicepolicies and programs.
The potential for developingcommunity-basedprograms and services.
The cultural, geographic, and community setting in which the criminal justice system operates and justice personnel make decisions.
CrimeControl Model
An orientation to criminal justice in which the protection of the community and the apprehension of offenders is paramount.
DueProcess Model
An orientation in which the legal rights of individual citizens, include crime suspects, are paramount.