What did policing look like during pre-confederation?
During pre-confederation policing looked like:
Mostly informalpolicing by communityresidents.
The HudsonBayCompany policed their employees and the Indigenouspopulations.
When was the first police officers in Canada?
The first police officers in Canada were in QuebecCity during the mid17thcentury and UpperCanada in the 19thcentury.
What were the police mandated for most of its history in Canada?
Police mandates were:
Mediatingconflicts between ethnicgroups and employers.
What are the four structures of policing?
The four levels of policing are: (1) federal, (2) provincial, (3) municipal, and (4) First Nations. Additionally, this also includes publictransportationpolice. Some municipalities also have their ownforces.
Who are is governed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police? What do their duties include?
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are governed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act of 1985. Their duties include federal policing and international peacekeeping.
Contract Policing
Provincial, territorial, and municipal level. Concerns about localoversight and fiscalaccountability.Inbutofcommunities – difficultto ensure that RCMP detachments are responsive to communities.
What are the three forces of provincial police? What are their responsibilities?
The three forces of provincial police are:
There responsibilities are policingruralareas and areasoutside of municipalities. Also, enforceprovinciallaws and CriminalCode.
What are advantages and disadvantages of regional policing?
Cheaper and moreservices.
Too centralised and not in touch with community.
What are the responsibilities of municipal police?
The responsibilities of municipal police are to enforce the CriminalCode, provincialstatutes, municipalbylaws, and some federalstatutes. They also have the largestnumber of officers of any level.
What are the three forms of police governance?
The three forms of police governance are:
Policeacts: Legislativeframework.
PolicingStandards: Provisions for maintaining and deliveringpoliceservices
PoliceBoards and Commissions: Bodies that provideoversight of police.
What are three forms of categories of policing?
The three forms of categories of policing are:
Crimeprevention and service.
Working Personality of Police
A set of attitudinal and behaviouralattributes that develops because of the uniquerole of activities of policeofficers.
Who did the RCMP employ in 1936?
In 1936, the RCMP were employed Indigenousmen as specialconstables.