What is the community policing model – the three Ps?
The community policing model is:
What is the professional model of policing – the three Rs?
The professional model of policing is:
How did community policing emerge?
Community policing emerged in the 1980s which was based on Peel's Principles of Policing in the 1800s.
Community Based Strategic Policing
A model of police work that incorporates the key principles of community policing with crimeprevention, crimeresponse, and crime attackresponses.
Crime Displacement
The relocation of crime from onelocale to another. Cracking down on crime in oneplace only moves that crime to anotherplace. This creates safetyissues and doesnoteliminate it.
Intelligence-Led Policing
Policing guided by the collection and analysis of information that is used to inform police decisionmaking at both the tactical and the strategic level – includes COMPSTAT and predictivepolicing.
Predictive Policing
The use of statisticalanalysis to identify the time and location where criminalactivity is likely to occur – most successful in curbingpropertycrime.
Clearance Rates
The proportion of actualincidents known to the police that result in the identification of a suspect, whether or not that suspect is ultimately charged and convicted.
What is primary crime prevention?
Programs that identifyopportunities for criminaloffences and alter those conditions to reduce the likelihood that a crime will be committed.
What is a secondary crime prevention?
Programs that focus on areas that produce crime and disorder and identify high-risk offenders.
What is tertiary crime prevention?
Programsdesign to preventyouth and adults from reoffending.
What are some challenges in crime prevention?
Some challenges with crime prevention is that the public often are not aware of policecrimepreventioninitiatives and fewcitizensparticipate in crimeprevention.
Altering design of building and pedestrian routes has helped to reduce crime in some areas.
Most effective in specific locales. Reduces disorder and provide evidence for police.
Mark property with ID numbers. However, uncertain if reduces property crime.
Reduces crime in some communities.
Some reduction in crime and in citizens' fear of crime.
Public education/assistance; increased arrest rates, but little impact on crime overall.
A tactical strategy based on the idea that police should address the causes of recurrent crime and disorder.
The view that if minor crimes are left unaddressed in an environment, more serious will occur.
Zero TolerancePolicing
A crime response strategy centred on the premise that strict order maintenance approaches by police will reduce more serious criminal activity.
What is the only method of crime attack strategies that does not work?