
Cards (4)

  • Receptors
    • only detect one type of stimulus
    • all receptors are transducers
  • Pacinian Corpuscle
    = mechanoreceptor which detects pressure and vibrations in the skin.
    • encapsulated nerve ending surrounded by layers of connective tissue and gel.
    • within the membrane of the neurone there are sodium ion channels- responsible for transporting sodium across the membrane
    • the neurone ending has a stretch-mediated sodium channel, when they change shape (stretch) their permeability to sodium also changes.
  • How a pacinian corpuscle converts converts mechanical pressure into a nervous impulse
    1 in its resting state, the stretch-mediated sodium ion channels are too narrow to allow sodium ions to pass through, the neurone has a resting potential.
    2 when pressure is applied to the pacinian corpuscle, the corpuscle changes shape which causes the membrane surrounding its neurone to stretch.
  • 3 when the membrane stretches the sodium ion channels present widen so sodium ions diffuse into the neurone
    4 the influx of positive sodium changes the potential of the membrane which becomes depolarised. This results in a generator potential.
    5 the generator potential creates an action potential (nerve impulse) that passes along the sensory neurone