
Cards (20)

  • Karl popper- Science through falsification not verification
  • Anthony Flew- Negative atheist
  • Karl Popper lived from 1902 to 1994
  • Karl Popper was an austrian british philosopher of science
  • "test the hypothesis"- Karl Popper
  • Karl Popper devised the falsification theory as a test for what is science and what is merely pseudo science
  • Karl Popper was particularly damning of Freud's Oedipus complex, claiming it was instead a pseudoscience
  • If you want to make a factual, cognitive claim, you should be able to specify what it is that could falsify that claim
  • The argument about the use of evidence to attempt to prove the existence of God (through language) comes from the parable of the Gardener
  • The Parable of the Gardener was originally written by John Wisdom, but adapted by Anthony Flew
  • Anthony Flew was an english philosopher who wrote an article in Mitchell's The Philosophy of Religion which is known as the "University Debate"
  • Parable of the Gardener
    • Gardener stands for God
    • The first explorer is the believer
    • The second is the sceptic
    • The garden is the world
    • The fence, bloodhounds, keeping watch, etc are to show that empirical evidence cannot be found
  • According to Flew, the believer will stop at nothing to conclude that there must be a God. Flew says the believer will allow nothing to falsify his belief
  • Falsification- a sentence is factually significant if, and only if, there is some form of evidence which could falsify it
  • Flew addresses the claim: "God loves us as a father loves his children"
    • People may not always have positive relationships with their fathers
    • If a child is ill, it is not their father's fault, but it is God's fault
  • Flew does not suggest religious language is meaningless, but that they are not genuine assertions
  • Strengths
    • Flew points to the excuses some may make for God when facing serious challenges to belief, e.g. dying children and evil.
  • Weaknesses
    • Flew's ideas are too rigid
    • Scientific fact are not in the same category as human experience
  • Anthony Flew changed his mind at the end of his life after Einstein's view of the universe implied there was an intelligent designer
  • Flew did not end up believing in a Christian God, but simply a designer