diminished responsibility

Cards (12)

  • s2 homicide act 1957 amended by s52 coroners and justice act 2009
  • dr = the defendant needs to be suffering from an abnormality of mental functioning (Byrne)
  • a state of mind so different from that of an ordinary human being that the reasonable man would term it as 'abnormal' (Byrne)
  • abnormality must arise from recognised medical condition
  • battered spouse syndrome (Aluwahlia)
  • depression, psychotic disorders (Byrne)
  • pre menstrual tension (English)
  • post natal depression (Reynolds)
  • alcohol dependency syndrome (Woods)
  • abnormality must substantially impair D's responsibility to
    1. understand the nature of their conduct
    2. form rational judgement
    3. exercise self control
  • substantial is to not mean total nor trivial or minimal but something in between (Golds)
  • jury must ignore intoxication and make decision only off abnormality of mind (Dietschmann)