unlawful act

Cards (11)

  • a person commits an unlawful dangerous act that causes victims death
  • U.D.C.M U Drink Cows Milk
  • U = Unlawful act must be a criminal offence (Lamb)
  • U = not a civil wrong (Franklin)
  • U = act not omission (Lowe)
  • U = can be aimed at property (Goodfellow)
  • D = must be Dangerous under objective test - would a reasonable and sober person see risk of some harm, albeit not serious harm (Church)
  • D = risk of harm must be physical (Dawson)
  • C = d's act must Cause victims death
  • self injection breaks chain (Dalby)
  • M = d must have Mens rea for unlawful act but does not need to foresee risk of harm (Newbury and Jones)