CHAPTER 4: Legal, Regulatory, and Political Issues

Cards (13)

  • A corporation is an entity created by law
  • Laws are considered conduct
    approved and enforced by a
    government of a particular country.
  • Society cannot function effectively
    if there is no basis or a mechanism
    that regulates the interaction
    between its citizenry.
  • Business law (or commercial law)
    is a body of law that deals with
    corporate contracts, manufacture
    or sale of goods and services,
    employment, labor relations, and
    many others.
  • Regulation is defined as a legal
    system that controls and regulates
    the business activities of a certain
  • Corporations are legal entities that
    have similar rights accorded to that
    of a person.
  • Corporate governance deals with
    external regulation (legal) and
    internal control of the corporation
    through legal means by its board of
  • Milton Friedman, considered by
    many to be the foremost economist
    of the twentieth century, suggested
    that more money infused in an
    economic system lessens the
    degree of government
  • Free Market - Considered a basic form of
    capitalism (monetary goods and services
    are owned by private individuals and
    companies), a free market is an economic
    system that restricts government
    intervention in the economy.
  • ➢ The Corporation Code of the
    Philippines was approved in 1980
    that prescribes the rules and
    regulations in the establishment
    and operation of corporations in
    the Philippines.
  • Political issues are important topics
    of good corporate governance.
  • Good governance does not limit
    itself to addressing business
    disruptions and creating a
    competitive advantage through
  • Environmental issues such as
    global warming caused by pollution
    and greenhouse gas emissions
    have gained robust public support
    in the last 20 years.