1. Gives off many branches in the pterygo-palatine fossa
2. The main branches include the middle meningeal, the inferior alveolar, the muscle branches, the posterior superior alveolar, the infraorbital, the sphenopalatine and branches of the descending palatine (greater and lesser palatines)
3. The middle meningeal branch enters the foramen spinosum on its way to the cranium
4. The inferior alveolar branch will branch again to form the mylohyoid artery
5. The inferior alveolar artery enters the mandibular foramen and canal and branches to the mental artery
6. The mental artery exits the mental foramen
7. The inferior alveolar artery continues on to become the incisive artery
8. The maxillary artery branches to the muscles of mastication and the buccinator muscle
9. The infraorbital branch (IO)= enters the orbit via the inferior orbital fissure
10. The anterior superior alveolar artery branches off of the IO artery
11. The IO branch of the maxillary artery will exit the IO foramen
12. The posterior superior alveolar artery branches off the maxillary artery
13. The descending palatine artery travels down the sphenopalatine canal, becomes the greater and lesser palatine arteries after exiting the greater and lesser palatine foramina
14. The nasopalatine artery is also known as the sphenopalatine artery (The nosebleed artery)
15. The nasopalatine artery will eventually go down the incisive canal (and anastomose with the greater palatine artery)