Nitrogen cycle

Cards (5)

  • Nitrogen fixing
    . N2 gas into NO3 Nitrate, (nitrification)
    . Found in soil
    . Plant root legumes into Ammonia NH3 (Ammonification)
  • Nitrifying
    Ammonia(NH3) -> Nitrites(NO2-) -> Nitrates(NO3) (Nitrification)
  • Denitrifying
    Nitrates -> N2 gas (Denitrification)
    Farmers don't like this as it takes Nitrates out of the soil that the plants use, because the denitrifying bacteria is anaerobic this is why they turn the soil to introduce oxygen and prevent anaerobic bacteria 
  • Saprobionts/Decomposers
    . Two steps
    . Step 1, Dead plant+animal matter and maneur and faeces is decomposed by saprobionts
    . Step 2, Ammonification converts this into ammonia
  • Cycle