1. Femoral nerve descends with femoral vessels through femoral triangle & adductor canal, then descends with great saphenous vein
2. Sciatic nerve arises from branches of both tibial and common fibular nerves, descends between heads of gastrocnemius, becomes superficial at middle of leg, descends with small saphenous vein
3. Tibial nerve forms as sciatic bifurcates at apex of popliteal fossa, descends through popliteal fossa and lies on popliteus, runs inferiorly on tibialis posterior with posterior tibial vessels, divides beneath flexor retinaculum into medial and lateral plantar nerves
4. Common fibular nerve forms as sciatic bifurcates at apex of popliteal fossa, follows medial border of biceps femoris and its tendon, passes over posterior aspect of head of fibula, winds around neck of fibula deep to fibularis longus, divides into deep and superficial fibular nerves