Cards (21)

  • Virus Attack And Environment​
    • The first issue which can be co-related with the environment is virus attack. As we know after virus attack the effected computer becomes dead or un-operational and therefore it becomes necessary to dismantle that computer or other effected electronic devices. ​
  • Virus Attack And Environment​
    • Now as and when it becomes un-operational the problem regarding environment comes into picture because now a day the whole world facing the problem regarding destruction of dead electronic devices which are serious threat to environment.​
  • Cyber terrorism - also can be a serious threat to our environment. As we know now a days many terrorism activity is being done through internet which is known as cyber terrorism in which various terrorist group can explode bomb and other biological weapon without going to concerned place. Therefore in this way with the use of cyber terrorism any hazardous substance can be spread in the air, bomb can be exploded and various other activity can be done which is ultimately effect the environment​
  • Hacking and Environment​
    The other issue can be discussed here is hacking in this regard. As we know in present days most of the atomic power stations are controlled by the fully automatic electronic signals which run through internet. Therefore, there can be a possibility of hacking of this system by hackers and they can harm to the power station resultant nuclear substance can go into open atmosphere and cause serious damage to environment as well as to the human health​
  • What is Environmental
    • Man and environment are inter-related. The Environment influences the life of human beings and also human being modify their environment as a result of their growth, dispersal, activities, death and decay etc. Thus all living being s including man and their environment are mutually reactive affecting each other in a number of ways and a dynamic equilibrium is possible in between the two, i.e. human beings and environment are interdependent. ​
  • What is Environmental
    • The interaction between environment and society depends largely on the social and political system. Even the capitalistic and socialistic systems perceptions and reaction to the environment are quite different. The differential interactions are due to uneven distribution of natural resources, uneven economic and social development, dissimilarity of demographic factors, varying view points of the governments and individual toward environment. ​
  • Environment​
    • Middle French preposition environ “around” environment in the most basic meaning, “is that which surrounds”.​
  • Environment​
    • It is everything around us. It can be living or non-living things. It includes physical ,chemical and other natural forces. They constantly interact with it and adapt themselves to conditions in their environment. ​
  • Environment​
    • It consists of the interactions among plants, animals, soil, water, temperature, light and other living and non-living things. ​
  • Built Environment​
    • Human made sorroundings that provide the setting for human actvity. ​
    • Places and spaces created or modified by people. ​
    • Buildings, parks or green spaces and supporting infrastructures. ​
  • Built Environment​
    • Climate and geology, economy, government, culture and fashion, technology and customers. ​
  • Natural Environment​
    • Includes all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth. ​
    • It is often used as a synonyms for habitat. ​
  • Social Environment​
    • Refers to the immediate physical and social setting in which people live or in which something happens or develops. It includes the culture that the individual was educated or lives in, and the people and institutions with whom they interact. ​
  • Social Environment​
    • It includes culture, language, social condition, health, profession, living condition, economic capability of the people in a certain area. 
  • Human Environmental Interactions - can be defined as interaction between the human social system and the rest of the eco-system. ​
  • Human Social System ​
    • The type of society strongly influences people’s attitude towards nature, their behavior and therefore their impact on ecosystems. ​
  • Human overpopulation ​
    • Rapid human population​
  • Overconsumption​
    • Degradation and the eventual loss of resource bases​
  • Technology​
    • Application of technology often result in unavoidable and unexpected environmental impacts. ​
  • Environmental law - also known as environmental and natural resources law, is a collective term describing the network of treaties, statute, regulations, common and customary laws addressing the effects of human activity on the environment. 
    • The core environmental law regimes address environmental pollution. A related but distinct set of regulatory regimes, now strongly influenced by environmental legal principles, focus on the management of specific natural resources, such as forest minerals, or fisheries. ​