Cards (15)

  • Air quality laws protect the air from pollution and may include measures to protect the air from things like ozone depletion ​
  • Water Quality – Environmental laws protect water from pollution. They may also determine who can use water and how to handle potential problems like treating waste water and managing surface run off. ​
  • Waste Management – Municipal waste, hazardous substances and nuclear waste all fall in the category of waste management. ​
  • Contaminant Cleanup – Not all environmental law focuses on preventing pollution. Contaminant cleanups deals with addressing pollution after it happens. ​
  • Chemical Safety regulations manage things like pesticide use and chemicals in products like plastic bottles. ​
  • Hunting and fishing – Environmental laws may regulate and protect wildlife populations. Lawmakers determine who can hunt and fish and how these activites are regulated. ​
  • Air quality and water – pesticides and hazardous chemicals. ​
  • Global climate change – waste management and agriculture​
  • Agriculture – remediation of biodiversity and species contaminated land protection.​
  • Biodiversity  and species protection – management of public lands natural resources. ​
  • Sustainability means reducing our harm on the environment and ultimately reversing the harm we have already caused. ​
  • Sustainability means renewing resources at a rate equal to greater than the rate at which they are consumed. ​
  • Sustainability means living within the resources of the planet without damaging the environment now or in the future. ​
  • Kyoto Protocol​
    • It broke a new ground by defining three innovative flexibility mechanism  to lower the overall costs of achieving its emissions targets. The mechanism enable parties to access cost effective oppurtunities to reduce emissions or to remove carbon from the atmosphere inother countries.. Emisssions trading (carbon market) – clean development mechanism – joint implementation. ​
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)​
    • Consider what can be done to reduce global warning and cope with whatever temperature increases are inevitable. ​
    • To keep the maximum tempearture rise to below 2 degrees celsius.​
    • The commitment to list developed country emission reduction targets and mitigation action by developing countries for 2020​
    • Mechanism to support technology transfer and forestry. ​\