maternaldeprivation: the idea that there is prolongedseparation between a child and their PCG
separation of care can result in infant being deprived of emotional care - lead to affectionlesspyschopath
affectionless psychopath:
disregards the law and has a lack of guilt or empathy - likely to turn to crime and find it difficult to form personal relationships
Bowlby's 44 thieves: studied on 44 criminal teenagers who were accused of theft, personally interviewed each participants and their families to find signs of being an affectionless psychopath
14/44 were affectionless psychopaths - 12/14 had prolongedseparation
suggests their is a link between maternal deprivation and affectionless psychopaths
44 thieves evaluation:
demonstrates a link between deprivation and psychopathy - good evidence to support
control group to compare the experimental group with - helps to determine if changes to IV have made any difference
conducted in 1944, may have been external factors such as emotional disturbance - temporal validity
Romanianorphan studies (2011): Rutter studied 165 Romanian orphans who had been adopted by families in the UK.
control group = 52 children from the UK also adopted from the UK
results: half of the children had delayedintellectual development and showed different levels of recovery dependent on the age that they were adopted
concluding: effects on development are long-term as babies adopted outside of criticalperiod have a low IQ
Roman orphanages evaluation:
improved psychologists understanding of the effects of early institutional care and how to prevent this - institutional care made it so a child has one or two 'key' workers
cannot be generalised to other types of institutionalised care - extremesituation where care was very poor - unusual situational variables that may have impacted the validity of results
confounding variable - Rutter didnt have control over who was adopted, they could be more sociable
institutionalisation: long-term effects of living in an institution for a continuous amount of time
institution: organised structure for social purpose- school,prison, orphanage
effects of institutionalisation:
impact attachment through impacting internal working model - element of privation - never form an attachment with anyone
deprivation dwarfism: physical development of a child is limited
Kerns (1994) suggested that securely attached children form the best quality attachments, those with insecure avoidant attachments have friendship difficulties
Myron-Wilson and Smith (1998): used self-report questionnaires to assess attachment types
found that securelyattached children were leastlikely to be involved in bullying and insecure avoidant to be victims of bullying.
concluding: attachment types in children can determine if they are involved in bullying
McCarthy: assessed 40 women whos attachment had previously been assessed when they were infants - studied the effect of their early attachments on friendship and romanic relationships
women with secure attachment had positive romantic relationship
women with insecureavoidant and resistant had problems in their relationships
Hazen and Shaver (1987) Love quiz:
looked at association between attachment in adult relationships and printed a love quiz into a local newspaper and analysed the replies
over half had secure attachments
concluding: attachment styles in childhood was similar to attachment type in adulthood - suggested internal working model has a life-long effect
early attachment evaluation:
Hazen and shaver was not artificial as they collected real data through a self-report questionnaire
responses may not have been accurate as there could be an element of socialdesirability
determinsitic research: internal working model suggests that attachment styles are fixed