AO3 - Milgram

Cards (7)

  • Participants may have guessed demand characteristics and acted accordingly. (Please you, screw you effect)

    Limitation - Milgrams study
  • Lacks ecological validity.

    Limitation - Milgrams study
  • Ethics
    • Deception - advert, teacher and learner, shocks etc.
    • Lack of informed consent - they were deceived so participants could not give ful consent.
    • Harm - some participants suffered extreme stress reactions as well as embarrassment and feelings of being used.

    Limitation - Milgrams study
  • Showed how easily people obeyed without question.

    Strength - Milgrams study
  • Replicable design
    Strength - Milgrams study
  • Control over variables
    Strength - Milgrams study
  • Real-world application

    Strength - Milgrams study