
Cards (6)

  • 'These promises are fair, the parties sure,
    And our induction full of prosperous hope.' - Mortimer, Act 3 Scene 1
  • 'Come, come, no more of this unprofitable chat.' - Mortimer, Act 3 Scene 1
  • 'He holds your temper in a high respect' - Mortimer, Act 3 Scene 1
  • 'This is the deadly spite that angers me:
    My wife can speak no English, I no Welsh.' - Mortimer, Act 3 Scene 1
  • 'I understand thy kisses, and thou mine ...
    for thy tongue
    Makes Welsh as sweet as ditties highly penned' - Mortimer, Act 3 Scene 1
  • 'With all my heart, I'll sit and hear her sing.' - Mortimer, Act 3 Scene 1