
Cards (8)

  • Baron cohen background
    Why do adults with autism spectrum disorder have problems with social interactions.
  • Baron cohen aim
    To investigate if high functioning adults with autism or Asperger’s syndrome would be impaired on a theory of mind test called reading the mind in the eyes task,
    they were also interested if females would be better than males
  • Baron cohen sample
    Group 1- 4 autistic, 12 Aspergers. 13 males and 3 females- advert self selected.
    Group 2- 50 normal age matched adults 25F 25M- random sample
    Group 3- 10 tourette adult, 8 male 2 female- opportunity sample
  • Baron Cohen research method
    Quasi experiment- matched participant design
    IV-the type of person: autistic, normal, tourette, aspergers was naturally occurring
    DV- score out of 25 on the eyes task
  • Baron-Cohen apparatus
    Black and white photographs of eye region of faces and asking them to make a forced choice between two mental slate words
  • Baron-Cohen procedure
    Eyes task and strange stories task wee represented in a random order and were tested individually in a quiet room in clinic or own home or university lab. Each picture of 25 was shown for 3 seconds and the experiment included words like interested and disinterested, desire for you or desire for someone else
  • Baron cohen conclusion
    -Adults with autism and Aspergers do possess an impaired theory of mind
    -Autistic and aspergers who held uni degrees had normal intelligence
  • Baron cohen results
    Autistic and AS scored lowest
    Tourette scored highest