Intentionally uses lower-case letters for her name. Best known for her work on intersectionality, criticising many feminists for focusing too much on middle-class white women. Argues that equality must be universal for all disadvantaged.
Women of colour – she brought the cultural concerns of women of colour into the mainstream feminist movement.
Intersectionality – the mainstream feminist movement had focused mostly on the plight of white, college-educated, middle/upper-class women who had no stake in the concerns of women of colour.
bell hooks developed the idea of intersectionality and multiple factors which cause suffering in society e.g. poverty, sexuality, race, religion and gender, which sometimes act together.
She shifts the focus to the individual and understanding their circumstances, with women often suffering from multiple forms of discrimination e.g. young gay black women.
The key struggle is against patriarchy and women breaking free from a male-dominated culture, which has often led to women hating themselves and believing they are inferior.
The key difference she sought to make was a break-away from traditional feminist perspectives and to modernise thinking to embrace the current realities facing women.
Feminists today recognise the importance of rethinking how their agenda can adapt to the modern world, though would express concern if gender is not still seen as central.