Post modern femisnts 3rd wave

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  •  Postmodern feminists have questioned whether ‘sex’ is as clear-cut a biological distinction as is usually assumed. For example, the features of ‘biological womanhood’ do not apply to many who are classified as women: some women cannot bear children, some women are not sexually attracted to men, and so on.
  • intersectionality views- post-modern feminism, many critics have suggested that feminism has tended to be a largely white, middle-class, one-size-fits-all movement. They point out that women from a variety of social and cultural backgrounds face very different problems. For example, the oppression faced by black women is different in character from the experience of white women.
  • Post-modern feminists argue that patriarchy manifests in different ways depending on a woman’s race, class etc.
    • They question the idea that there is or ever can be a single-gender identity.
    • What it now means to be a woman can have many differing interpretations, as they each have individual circumstances.
    • Biological differences are not as clear cut as were once thought e.g. some women cannot give birth.
    • These feminists argue that it cannot be assumed anything is universal e.g. gender oppression and patriarchy, as the world is more complex.
    • It becomes impossible and oversimplified to make any generalisations about women, or their status.
    • They stress the importance of language and removing terms, which may appear sexist or reinforcing patriarchal attitudes e.g. Chair instead of Chairman.
    • It is for each individual woman to define herself and seek her own identity, in order to feel truly liberated.