cell organelles

Cards (17)

  • bacterial DNA
    circular with no nucelar membrane
  • image size formula
    actual size x magnification
  • actual size formula
    image size/magnification
  • magnification formula
    image size/actual size
  • um to mm
    divide by 1000
  • mm to um
    multiply by 1000
  • describe how DNA is organised in a bacterial cell
    large circular DNA
    which is not associated with any histone proteins
    there are small, several plasmids which are located in the cytoplasm
  • formation of extracellular enzymes in cell
    vesicles fuse with the golgi apparatus
    inside golgi apparatus modification of proteins occurs
    proteins/enzymes are then packaged into secretory vesicles
    these vesicles then fuse with the cell surface membrane
    and release enzymes and proteins
    such as extracellular enzymes via exocytosis
  • desribe what happens to lysosome once their contents have been digested
    lysosomes fuse with the cell surface membrane
    their contents are then released from the cell via exocytosis
  • features of eukaryotic organisms
    membrane bound organelles
    contains nucleus, mitochondria, golgi, SER , RER
    80s ribosome
    linear DNA associated with histone proteins
    does not contain plasmids in the cytoplasm
  • features of prokaryotic cells
    presence of cell wall
    circular DNA/plasmids
    small 70s ribosomes
    pili / flagellum
  • role of centriole
    spindle organisation
  • explain why the nucleus cannot be observed at the end of prophase in a eukaryotic cell
    because the nuclear membrane is broken down
    because the DNA is coiled or condensed into individual chromosomes
  • functions of the golgi apparatus
    modifies proteins
    forms vesicles
    removes some water from the protein
  • protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells occurs in
    80s ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum
  • describe what happens to proteins following the process of translation until they are released from the cell

    -folded in the rER
    • packaged into vesicles
    • modified in the Golgi apparatus
    • released from the cell via exocytosis from a lysosome
  • explain why enzymes that are incorrectly folded cannot carry out their function
    -tertiary structure is different (when incorrectly folded)
    • active site of enzyme will not fit with substrate
    • will not form an enzyme-substrate complex
    • therefore will not catalyse the reaction and enzyme will be incorrectly folded